Center of protection for children Stuttgart

The center of protection for children is a counselling office for parents, children and qualified persons regarding all questions of protection for children. It’s task is in connection with STOP (Stuttgarter Ordnungspartnerschaft gegen häusliche Gewalt) to provide a contact person for children who experienced violence between their parents or between close psychological parents and a police mission. The contact person speaks about the experience with girls and boys, explains the situation, helps take the burden off of them, and provides himself with an impression about the inner psychological situation and necessary need for support.


The professionals are bound to official secrecy. The counselling is free of charge.

Kinderschutz-Zentrum Stuttgart
Alexanderstr. 2
70182 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 – 23 890-0
Fax: 0711 – 23 890-18

Opening times and availability by telephone
Mo. – Fr.: 9.00 – 12.30 h
Mo. – Th.: 14.00 – 17.00 h
and after arrangement

For more information about the protection center for children click here